What if I am not married to my second shareholder? As non-spouses cannot benefit from the exemption available for spouses, it is likely that only dividend sharing with a commercial basis will be acceptable to HMRC.
What do I need to be aware of when appointing my spouse or civil partner as a second shareholder? There are several considerations when appointing your spouse or civil partner as a second shareholder:
Can I appoint my spouse or civil partner as a second shareholder? Yes - the issue of income shifting was formally clarified in respect of shareholders who are married or in civil partnerships.
What tax do I pay on dividends?(from 6th April 2024) The dividend allowance means that you won’t have to pay tax on the first £500 of dividends received in a tax year.
What should I consider before paying a dividend? If you are a company director, then you have a legal duty to protect the company’s assets and to carefully consider whether you have sufficient funds to pay its liabilities (for example, upcoming VAT and corporation tax payments) before a dividend can be paid.
What is an interim dividend? Most directors pay interim dividends. These are declared and paid in the middle of an accounting year i.e. before the accounts are finalised.
Who can take a dividend? The shareholders of a company who appear in the register of members are usually entitled to receive dividends on an equal basis. Share classes (or alphabet shares, such as ‘A’ shares, ‘B’ shares etc.) are utilised when a company wants to vary one or all of the core rights so that they do not rank equally.
What is a dividend? A dividend is a distribution of post-tax profits of the company to its shareholders. It is payable to all shareholders (of the same class of share) in proportion to their shareholdings and in accordance with the company’s constitution (articles).